Shri. Rajiv Kothiwal

Shri. Abhinav Kothiwal
Pro Chancellor

Prof. M.P. Pandey
Vice Chancellor

Dr. Sanjeev Agrawal

Dr. Rahul Kumar Mishra
Pro Vice Chancellor (External Affairs)

Dr. Vaibhav Trivedi
Pro Vice Chancellor (Academics/Administration)

Dr. Navneet Verma
Pro Vice Chancellor (Research & Development)

Dr. Anuj Srivastav
Controller of Examinations

Dr. K.P. Singh
Finance Officer

Dr. Arun Kumar Mishra
Dean of Students Welfare

Dr. Manoj Kumar
Director, School of Engineering & Technology

Dr. Sushil Kumar
Director School of Pharmaceutical Sciences / Dean Research

Dr. Nisha Agarwal
Director School of Business Management

Dr. B.K. Singh
Director School of Sciences

Dr. Mohan Lal 'Arya'
Director School of Education and Humanities

Dr. S.B. Mishra
Director School of Law

Dr. Virendra Singh
Director School of Agricultural Sciences & Engineering

Dr. Tanjeel Ahmad
Director School of Biotechnology

Dr. Rakesh Kumar Yadav
Director IQAC

Mr. K.K Bansal
Director-Training and Placement Cell

Dr. B.K. Rajput

Dr. Deepankar Bharadwaj
Director I.T. Services

Mr. C.S. Nagila
Campus Engineer