Webinar on Uttar Pradesh Diwas (2021) on Topic Atmnirbhar Uttar Pradesh ka aadhar Swadeshi Navachar

आत्मनिर्भर उत्तरप्रदेश का आधार स्वदेशी नवाचार पर राष्ट्रीय वेबिनार

Workshop on Bringing Research and Technology together

National Webinar and Quiz Competition on National Youth Day

National Webinar on Approaches in drug discovery

Role of Communication in Life Strategy for Success

Training Programme on Introduction to IIOT

A Training Programme on MATLAB Programming

Webinar on Tech Talk

Foundation course on General Awareness

Three Days Workshop On 360 Degree Enhancement Best Practices On Managerial And It Tools For The Non Teaching Staff

National webinar on Indian Agriculture: From Green Revolution to Evergreen Revolution

Training on Basic Survival issues during Corona Pandemic

International Webinar: Research and Scope in Biotechnology

A National webinar on Human Rights Day

International Webinar: Covid19: Virology, Pathogenesis And Containment

Webinar on “Importance of Constitution in Present Scenario”

International Webinar on Effect of Agnihotra on Environment and Farming

Investor Awareness Webinar on “Future of Financial Management & COVID-19”

Design Thinking By Allsoft

Webinar on Artificial Intelligence

Session on Statistical Designing Approach for Enhancement of Product Yield

Training program on Written Communication

Guest Lecture on NEP2020

Experience the benefits of Machine Learning

Training program on Time Management

National Webinar on Strategies for Managing Personal Finance including Mutual Fund during and after COVID-19.

Guest Lecture on Education in Pendamic Era Covid

Advanced course on Quantitative Aptitude

NPTEL Awareness Online Workshop.

One Week Faculty Development Programme on Impact of Covid19 Pandemic on Educations

Webinar on National Education Policy (NEP) 2020: A Path to Self Reliance India

Two Day Workshop on Digital Awareness

Two days workshop on Internet and Email

One Week Online Faculty Development Programme on Essentials on Entreprenuership

Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Part-1

Computer Aided Drug Design

Innovative trends in phytopharmacology

Online IT Skills Development Programme for Non teaching staff

Yoga for Spirit, Mind and Body

Online Training on Safety measures during COVID19

Two days workshop on Microsoft Excel

Online Training Program on Skill Development

Online Training Course on Introduction to C Programmming

Guest Lecture on Role of material science in protection of environment against Corona infection

Internet of Things By CETPA Infotech

IoT Webinar By CEPTA Infotech

Faculty Development Programme on Data Science using Python

Capacity Development and Skills Enhancement Initiatives Working Ethics & Hospitality

Faculty Development Program on “Teaching Through Simulation Games”

Lecture on Work Etiquette, Ethics and Values

Use and Benefits of Personnel Protective Equipment's during Covid Pandemic 2020

Workshop on Career opportunities in Biotechnology and Food Technology Industries

A Workshop on Use of Technology in Teaching Learning Process

A workshop on Career Opportunities in Biotechnology & Food Technology Industries.